Friday 3 January 2020

2019 Travel Highlights

2019 went out in a blink, and here we are in the first days of 2020, looking back and making a choice of the memories we want to take forward, the lessons we learned and the projects we must carry on.

This year I've worked less on the blog and making a full year review would be a more difficult exercise. So, for your benefit and mine, let's look at the travel highlights of this past year. Prague and Paris. Porto and, of course, Lisbon. And a Summer visit to the Southwest coast of Portugal. 


Sometimes I put my traveling shoes and walk around Lisbon with the spirit of a visitor. Looking at things as if it was the first time (and sometimes it is!), and making discoveries. After so many years in this city, I still find it awesome, vibrant and new. Let me share with you some snapshots I collect all over the year. For more info on the city, you can check our Lisbon City Guide, and published this year, our posts on the Jacaranda Season and Lisbon's Christmas decorations.


A visit to Prague during Easter was such a treat! The weather was magnificent, and the city was bright and full of flowers. Prague is well preserved and has layers and layers of history and culture at every corner. There is a lot to see,  the food is great and the atmosphere is remarkable. You can find some more information on what to see and what to eat on our blog posts (check the links!). 


This was the magical place of my childhood summer holidays. Then it was less touristy and more down to earth, especially on the small towns along the coast. But still, much of nature is preserved and is always a pleasure to come back. Last year it was a "girls only" extended weekend, and it was nothing less than amazing. We promised to return in 2020 and you should go there too!


It's always a pleasure to travel up north to Porto, and last October I had the opportunity to stay for a couple of days in the city for a work assignment. After work, no way I would return to the hotel and rest for a while. Walking around the city and capturing some pictures is my way of relaxing. 


November was time to return to Paris, a city that always makes me happy. I've carefully planned the visit to return to some of my favorite places and to go to some new ones that I didn't have the time on previous occasions. Although it was cold, the (mostly!) sunny days helped to walk a lot, experience much and bring home a lot of photos to share with you.

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