Sunday, 20 May 2018

My 15 Instagram Posts on Street Art in Lisbon

There's a power and and a creativity on Street Art that conquered my heart from the first moment. Maybe is the scale, perhaps the fact that art on the street is literally for everyone, surely is all the dynamic of the street art scene that is so exciting and inspiring.

Lisbon is a spectacular place to find amazing examples of street art, and whenever I pass by some of this murals and I have the chance, you can be sure that I'll snap a shot. Some times they end up on Instagram, and today I'm bringing you 15 works of different artists that you can find scattered all over town.

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Thursday, 17 May 2018

Escher Lisboa (Exhibition)

You've probably heard about Escher and are familiar with many of its works (it have been used in book and record covers, just to mention how widespread its work has been). In my case, I'm passionate for his work for many years, so I could not miss the opportunity to  visit the exhibition on the work of this genius of surrealism that is currently in Lisbon.

At Escher Lisboa, you can enjoy a group of selected works, including many of its masterpieces, that allow you to know the trajectory of this fenomenal artist. Mauritz Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972), was born in The Netherlands in the final years of the 19th century, and its multifaceted work left enduring marks in the western culture for decades, looking today as alluring as did when it was created.

Provavelmente jĂ¡ ouviu falar sobre Escher e estĂ¡ familiarizado com muitos de seus trabalhos que tĂªm vindo a inspirar designers, sendo atĂ© usados em capas de livros e de discos, sĂ³ para mencionar o quĂ£o difundido tem sido seu trabalho. No meu caso, sou apaixonada pelo seu trabalho hĂ¡ muitos anos, por isso nĂ£o podia perder a oportunidade de visitar a exposiĂ§Ă£o sobre a obra desse gĂªnio do surrealismo que estĂ¡ atualmente em Lisboa.

Na exposiĂ§Ă£o Escher, pode desfrutar de um conjunto de obras selecionadas, incluindo muitas das suas obras-primas, que lhe permitirĂ£o conhecer a trajetĂ³ria deste artista fenomenal. Mauritz Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972), nasceu na Holanda no final do sĂ©culo XIX, e o seu trabalho multifacetado deixou marcas duradouras na cultura ocidental por dĂ©cadas, parecendo hoje tĂ£o atraente quanto quando foi criado.

The exhibition, is housed in the Museu de Arte Popular, in Belém, and in addition to the 200 works in display, includes scientific experiments, play areas, educational resources and interactive experiences that help the visitors to understand the impossible perspectives and irreconcilable universes that pervade throughout the artist's work. All this dimensions make the exhibition interesting to public of all ages, becoming a friendly place to take your kids to.

Combine a visit to the exhibition with a stroll along the river or a visit to another of the many attractions in Belém, and, if you're a foodie, don't forget to finish with a Pastel de Belém. I didn't!

A exposiĂ§Ă£o estĂ¡ instalada no Museu de Arte Popular, em BelĂ©m e, alĂ©m das 200 obras expostas, inclui experiĂªncias cientĂ­ficas, Ă¡reas lĂºdicas, recursos educativos e experiĂªncias interactivas que ajudam os visitantes a compreender as perspectivas impossĂ­veis e os universos irreconciliĂ¡veis que permeiam todo o trabalho do artista. Todas essas dimensões tornam a exposiĂ§Ă£o interessante para o pĂºblico de todas as idades, tornando-se um local estimulante para levar seus filhos.

Combine a visita com uma caminhada ao longo do rio ou com uma visita a outra atracĂ§Ă£o nesta parte da cidade. BelĂ©m estĂ¡ cheio de museus e locais interessantĂ­ssimos para conhecer. E, Ă© claro, se gostar de algo doce, nĂ£o pode perder a oportunidade de comer um Pastel de BelĂ©m. Eu nĂ£o dispensei!

Escher Lisboa (until September 2018)
Museu de Arte Popular
Avenida de BrasĂ­lia

Opening Times
Every day 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Tickets (include Audioguide)
Adults: 11€ | Children (5 - 10): 4€, (11 - 18): 9€ | Students and Senior Citizens: 9€

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Chronicles From Andalusia | CĂ³rdoba's Patios

Last Summer we have been to CĂ³rdoba for a few days and among the many things that impressed us and captured our hearts in this wonderful city, the Patios were among the first. I could only imagine how it would look with all the plants in full bloom and promised to myself to return to CĂ³rdoba some day in Spring. In May, when the Patios are at they prime, CĂ³rdoba celebrates the Patios Festival, a true feat of color and beauty. I didn't make it this year, but I'm sharing it with you. Who knows, maybe we'll meet in CĂ³rdoba next year...

Many of the lovely patios, like the one in the photos above, are in private homes and the owners kindly let you in to visit their beautiful patios. There are tours available that take to some of these pĂ¡tios. Some other patios are scattered trough the city, like the one bellow, that you can find at the Zoco Municipal de la ArtesanĂ­a. The top photo in this article was taken at Palacio de Viana, where you can find nothing less than 12 patios. But be sure to get there on time (I didn't!). You can also visit the Centro de InterpretaciĂ³n de la Fiesta de los Patios Trueque Cuatro, an emblematic Patio House where you can experience this amazing tradition.

Although I didn't visit CĂ³rdoba this Spring, I'll be able to share some gorgeous photos with you from this year's edition of the Patios Festival, kindly authorized by CĂ³rdoba 24. Please check their site as they have all the information you can need to prepare your visit to CĂ³rdoba.

Some Useful Adresses:

DePatios (Tours)
C/San Basilio, 14
14004 CĂ³rdoba

Zoco Municipal de la ArtesanĂ­a
Calle JudĂ­os, s/n, 14004 CĂ³rdoba

PalĂ¡cio de Viana
Plaza de don Gome, 2 14001 CĂ³rdoba

Centro de InterpretaciĂ³n de la Fiesta de los Patios Trueque Cuatro
Calle Trueque, 4 CĂ³rdoba

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