Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Lisbon Chronicles | The Winter is Coming

The Winter is coming and Lisbon welcomed the new season with a beautiful day. After a delightful lunch at Embaixada with two of my greatest friends, I walk around the city, enjoying the sun and the blue skies. And of course taking some photos to share with you.

In the gardens, although most of the trees are naked, some still keep their foliage with incredible colors, and the yellows, oranges and reds decorate the branches and the floor. I'm more of a Summer girl, but love this winter days (the 17ºC helped a lot, I must say).

Lots of people were relaxing in the lawns and children were having a great time at the Christmas Markets, eating cotton candy, taking photos with Santa and going for a ride in the Merry go Round. The city is decorated for the holidays and as the sun goes down, the lights come to live. Although I'm not a child anymore (actually, some times I'm not totally sure of that!) still rejoice with the magic of the season.

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